Beaver County Ghost Hunters
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Recent and Upcoming Events

On this page we'll present a summary of past events and a calendar of upcoming activities.

Upcoming Events

Friday, August 13 will find us at Moundsville prison in West Virginia.
All spaces are filled.  If you would like to be put on the waiting list, in case someone doesn't go, please email us.
 We have decided to go to Gettysburg, July 23, to meet up with MAJDA and some other ghost hunters.  We can't wait!!!
April 2nd found us out at Prospect Place Mansion.   We would
like to go there, with different members, every other month and
record the changes, with different people.
Each trip has proven to be a good one, with spirit contact!!!

Recent Events

Our most recent investigations have been at Beaver Creek State Park in East Livepool, Ohio.  It seems to be a favorite place for many of our group's members. 
Also, we love going to Prospect Place Mansion in Dresden, Ohio.  I, personally, have had spirit contact.  We can't wait to go back.
Heather, Dustin and Randy, from the Mansion, came and spent a night of ghost hunting, with us.  They got some great photos at Beaver Creek State Park.  On Sunday, April 25, they went to Mt. Carmel Cemetary, in the early afternoon.  Randy felt a warmth on his back, only to find a little later.... 2 long scratches on his back.   This is the first time that I have seen someone that I know, have this type of encounter.  Needless to say, we will
be returning to that cemetary, for further encounters.

Beaver Creek State Park
Inside Gaston's Mill